Some general blackjack card calculation parameters

Card calculations in blackjack are too excessive concepts that are like all such phenomena have many myths around it. The amount of hard work and efforts invested in studying this technique will never be measured by ordinary blackjack players who have never tried their hands on calculating cards in a real casino environment. In this article we will discuss various parameters that Blackjack must be ordered to have a reasonable opportunity to win.

The first and most common parameters that must be considered by each Blackjack card counter is ‘walking count’. Using the running count method, players can easily identify how many high-value cards are left in shoes compared to low-value cards. There are many ways to monitor the running amount. The general aspect of this system is that all low-value cards represent a positive number and all high-value cards represent negative numbers. The counter begins to zero. When the card is revealed the counter adds the value given card to the total running. Therefore, if the total runs out into a high positive number that shows that the lower value card has been used and shoes consist of higher value cards now.

One of the easiest methods in finding a total run is a high-card calculation method. In this method of cards from 2 to 6 given value +1. Cards from 7 to 9 are worth 0 and cards with 10 or higher values ​​given -1. While ACE can replace both of them 1 and 11, calculated as -1 in a high low system. Thus, on the usual 52-card deck there are twenty +1 cards, twelve cards of value 0 and twenty1 cards. In addition, there are several advanced card calculation methods that differ as distinguish between high and low value cards.

When the difference exists between high value cards and low, it will reflect the amount running too. Players can take advantage of this gap if fewer cards are left in shoes. Therefore, apart from the running amount, a player must also track the total number of cards handled. This information is useful every time the player moves to ensure the actual amount. They need to track everything, directly from the number of cards handled, to the number of cards left in the shoe and the number of decks left in the shoe. For example, the game starts with 6 decks and 26 cards have been handled, clearly indicating that half deck in the drama and five and a half deck remaining in shoes. A true count can be calculated by dividing the number running with the remaining number of decks.

Another important parameter in the blackjack card calculation is known as the number of side cards. Some advanced card calculation systems share 0 values ​​for ‘ACE’ in addition to maintaining a separate number of side cards for the same thing. Therefore, there must be one US card in every 13 cards. According to this system the player first calculates the ACE that has been handled. After 13 cards have been handled, they count the number of side cards. So, if there is no ACE handled in 13 first cards, there is one additional ACE in the shoe and the number of side cards comes to +1. Or, if two ACE has been handled in the first 3 cards, there is one less ACE on the shoes and the number of sideways to -1. This calculation continues for each set of 13 cards that have been handled. Finally, the value of the number of side cards is added to the actual amount. Some more complex methods keep the number of side cards and several other cards too.

However, this is only half a battle. After the final number is complete, the next challenge is to decide the next step while placing bets.